

1.1: Name

This organization shall be known as the LGBTQ+ Student Association

ARTICLE II: Purpose and Mission  

2.1: Purpose

The purpose of the LGBTQ+ Student Association organization is to foster an environment where LGBTQIA2S+ students, alumni, faculty, staff, and university affiliated allies come together in the spirit of community, education, allyship, and advocacy. The LGBTQ+ Student Association will serve as a place of education, inspiration, networking, service opportunities, and learning. Members of this organization will be able to access the virtual network (via the Facebook group: UMGC LGBTQ+ Student Association) to find an archive of resources, past events, and discussions. The LGBTQ+ Student Association will serve as a community that provides resources for everyone, including: a way for queer students to learn more about queer leadership, professional development, and to foster a safe community within the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC). 

2.2: Mission

The mission of the LGBTQ+ Student Association organization is to encourage community, personal growth, and empowerment for those who are LGBTQIA2S+ identifying, and is consistent with UMGC’s mission for its student organizations.


ARTICLE III: Objectives

3.1: Community Building/Empowerment

The LGBTQ+ Student Association will achieve its mission through community building and empowerment. As members of a primarily online university, personal empowerment and the need for a safe community, present themselves loudly. This organization will foster a safe environment that encourages relationship building, personal growth, exploration, and empowerment for both the LGBTQ+ community members and allies.

3.2: Education 

Many LGBTQ+ community members and allies struggle to find accurate and/or appropriate resources for the LGBTQ+ community at large. By providing access to equitable resources, community members and allies have the opportunity to utilize screened, intersectional LGBTQ+ educational materials and affiliated resources. 

3.3: Professional Development 

As University of Maryland Global Campus’ student organizations aim to provide each member with professional growth opportunities, leadership development, and academic recognition; the LGBTQ+ Student Association seeks to provide community members with these opportunities through a queer lens. 

ARTICLE IV: Adherence to Policy

4.1: Policy and Code of Conduct

The LGBTQ+ Student Association organization shall abide by the rules of University of Maryland Global Campus and the policies listed in the Student Handbook, including the Code of Student Conduct. This organization shall also abide by the guidelines listed in the Student Organization Guide. 

ARTICLE V: Membership

5.1: Membership Qualifications

The LGBTQ+ Student Association is open to University of Maryland Global Campus students, alumni, faculty, and staff who are LGBTQIA2S+ identifying; students, alumni, faculty, and staff who are LGBTQIA2S+ allies; and other students, alumni, faculty, and staff who are interested in learning more about the LGBTQIA2S+ community in a positive way. 

5.2: Statement of Non-Discriminatory Practices

In accordance with Federal, State, and Local laws and regulations, the LGBTQ+ Student Association organization does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, marital status, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, political affiliation, mental or physical disability, genetic information, veteran status (including Vietnam-era veterans), or any other legally protected characteristic. 

5.3: Suggested Participation

This organization strongly encourages all members to participate in the group’s activities, events, and discussions in order to maximize their experience.

ARTICLE VI: Organizational Leadership Structure and Voting

6.1: Organizational Leadership Structure

The LGBTQ+ Student Association will be managed by an executive leadership board, consisting of student and/or recent alumni elected officers and designated leaders, with the guidance of one or more student organization Faculty Advisor(s). The board will consist of the President, Vice President, and Executive Officer of Membership. While the LGBTQ+ Student Association will be managed by an executive leadership board, general body members will work alongside the board to maintain the association and make decisions, including occasionally organizing special leadership committees, on an as-needed basis. While each student leader has clear roles and leadership responsibilities, this organization will ensure that students who cannot take on a leadership role are still represented in the group. This organization considers all members of the organization to be equally important and encourages all involved within the LGBTQ+ Student Association to participate in organizational discussions. Each member, if they so choose to provide input, will be allowed opportunity for decision making activities, speaking time, and participation. All members are encouraged to commit any time they have available to the group, while prioritizing self-care, family, academic, and professional commitments. 

6.2: Leadership Positions

6.2a: Faculty Advisor(s) 

A member, or members, of the University of Maryland Global Campus faculty will serve as Faculty Advisor(s) for the LGBTQ+ Student Association. Student organization Faculty Advisor(s) mentor student organization leaders, helping them to create mission relevant activities and engagement opportunities for organization members. Faculty Advisors also provide support and guidance to all members of the student organization, advocate for student needs, and serve as a university liaison for the organization.

6.2b: President

The President will serve as a role model for all student officers and members. The President shall manage overall goals and direction of the student organization, including developing the annual plan with the executive leadership board. The President is responsible for setting up, arranging, and conducting student officer quarterly meetings. The President shall also communicate regularly with the UMGC Faculty Advisor(s), the executive leadership board, and any special leadership committees in force. The President shall further ensure that the LGBTQ+ Student Association is meeting the minimum standards to remain in good standing with UMGC. The President shall be in charge of and submit required student organization paperwork to Student Affairs. The President shall also petition outside LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations for educational resources, materials, and/or advocacy-related events. As a liaison, the President will be responsible for organizing – and guiding other executive officers who help participate in organizing – educational, professional, and advocacy-related activities for the LGBTQ+ Student Organization. These events will include: diversity training for members of the organization and anyone else who wishes to participate; LGBTQ+ professionals, speaking about their experiences as queer professionals; community health and wellness educators; LGBTQ+ youth advocacy talks and activities; and LGBTQ+ Student Association organization volunteer opportunities. 

6.2c: Vice President

The Vice President is responsible for assisting the President with any task-related duties and shall perform the duties of the President if/when the President must be absent or is otherwise unable to perform their normal duties. If the President must leave their role before their term is up, the Vice President shall take over as President until the next general election is held. The Vice President shall serve as a liaison between other University of Maryland Global Campus student association clubs and the LGBTQ+ Student Association. In this duty, the Vice President shall seek to organize and coordinate events and partnerships with other UMGC student association clubs. The Vice President, along with the Executive Officer of Membership, will coordinate membership drives, organize member-community activities, and welcome new members into the club. The Vice President encourages member participation and engagement within the student organization. The Vice President is also in charge of keeping organizational meeting records straight; to include minutes and future organizational goals.

6.2d: Executive Officer of Membership 

The Executive Officer of Membership will work alongside/under the Vice President to coordinate recruitment, new member drives, and welcome new members into the club. With help from the Vice President, the Executive Officer of Membership shall also organize member-community activities. Furthermore, the Executive Officer of Membership shall encourage member participation and engagement within the student organization. The Executive Officer of Membership is responsible for ensuring that all members of the organization have access to all digital space(s), necessary organizational materials, and ensuring that all new members understand the community guidelines and rules of the space(s). The Executive Officer of Membership is also in charge of membership record-keeping, including: member – names, pronouns, contact information, university association (i.e., student, alumni, faculty, or staff), and any other information that may be considered necessary to keep a student organization running smoothly. The Executive Officer of Membership will also reach out to the general membership frequently with ideas for future engagements and other fun ideas, to promote member engagement and group productivity.

6.3: Voting, Campaigning, and Term

6.3a: Voting Preparation

Beginning in the fall semester of the 2023 school year (August-December 2022) and occurring annually (during the fall semester), the Executive Leadership Board and Faculty Advisor(s) will coordinate to organize an election for the upcoming school year. Any member of the LGBTQ+ Student Association who plans to remain active for the entirety of the following school year is eligible to run for a position.

6.3b: Campaigning

Candidate campaigning will be allotted no less than 2 weeks’ time, prior to the opening date of the voting period. 

6.3c: Voting Timeframe

Beginning in the spring semester of the 2023 school year (January-May 2023) and occurring each consecutive spring semester, an annual Executive Leadership Board election will be held. All members of the organization are eligible to run for a position on the Executive Leadership Board. Voting will take place during the spring semester so that there may be time during the summer to properly onboard new leadership for a smooth transition, come fall. The vote shall take place asynchronously with a voting period lasting a maximum of one week. 

6.3d: Vote Casting

All organization members are eligible to vote in the election. Each member of the organization will receive one castable vote, per elective leadership position. A simple majority vote will win. Incoming officers for each Executive Leadership Board position will be the candidate(s) with the most overall votes. If there is to be a tie, the Faculty Advisor(s), in conjunction with the outgoing and incoming leadership, will choose the winner. If running unopposed, that seat may automatically be filled by the member running. If no candidate applies for a given position, the Faculty Advisor(s), in conjunction with outgoing and incoming leadership, may offer the position to an accepting member of their choice.

6.4: Term Commitment, Resignation, and Open Leadership Positions

6.4a: Term Commitment

Each leadership position will commit to a one-year term, beginning in the summer semester and ending at the end of the spring semester of the following year. At the end of term, each officer may run for another term. 

6.4b: Officer Resignation

An officer may resign at any time by delivering a written notice or email of such resignation to the Faculty Advisor(s) and President, or in the case of the resignation of the President, to the Vice President and Advisor.

6.4c: Open Position(s)

Should a position become vacant mid-year, the Faculty Advisor(s), in conjunction with the current Executive Leadership Board, can either appoint an officer or hold a special election at that time to fill the position. 

ARTICLE VII: Programming

7.1: Annual Planning

Leadership shall propose an annual plan that includes a program of events and/or activities for the LGBTQ+ Student Association in upcoming fall and spring semesters. The annual plan should include a minimum of three structured events or activities a year (with at least one event in each of the fall and spring semesters). The leadership shall encourage members to recommend programs or activities to be sponsored by the LGBTQ+ Student Association. All organization programming should be consistent with the mission and objectives of the group. 

7.2: Programming Advertisement

Upcoming events and activities for the LGBTQ+ Student Association should be advertised within the virtual community and via any alternative communication channels the organization may utilize, at least two weeks prior to the event/activity start date, whenever possible. 

7.3: Special Event Committee(s) 

When appropriate, the leadership shall appoint members to serve as committee chairs to oversee the various tasks related to specific activities and events. 

ARTICLE VIII: Amendments

8.1: Constitutional Amendment Proposal

Proposed amendments to this Constitution should be sent to the Executive Leadership Board for approval, prior to vote. 

8.2: Constitutional Amendment Voting

This Constitution may be amended through a simple majority vote from both, the Executive Leadership Board and all general body members. The vote should take place asynchronously, and the voting period should last a maximum of one week. If there is to be a tie, the Faculty Advisor(s) will break the tie with a cast of one vote.

ARTICLE IX: Recordkeeping

9.1: Access to the Constitution

The most recent version of the constitution for the LGBTQ+ Student Association shall be posted in the designated LGBTQ+ Student Association virtual community. 

Last revised: May 2022